We didn't think we'd ever have peace of mind about our investment properties either

To add to the headache, we learned property inspections - entry, routine and exit - occupy an average of 60% of the time spent on property management. Not to mention the fuel costs, traffic headaches, tenants not showing up, health risks, and endless paperwork that add to the unpleasant equation. 

Nothing about traditional property inspections is fun. 

Like you, we thought, "Why isn't there a better way to see my property's condition more regularly?" 

secure and reliable     |     powerfully simple     |     inspect with confidence      |     free to download     |     cost-effective     |      available on apple and android     |     tenant login     |     streamline inspections     |     use remotely or onsite     |     save time

The idea came from a moment of utter frustration

During the first big pandemic lockdown in 2020, Tim Morris - CEO of the self-management platform RentingSmart, was hit with panic and frustration. Imagine he couldn't inspect his rental properties for the unforeseeable future? How would he stay on top of maintenance, reporting and overall protection of his expensive investment? 

He had become a self-managing landlord and grew RentingSmart to what it is today from a desire to take charge of his investment properties and look after them with diligence and care... only for that resolve to have gone pear-shaped. 

He thought: 

"If only I could do my property inspections remotely with the same thoroughness as an in-person inspection. Wouldn't that be nice?"

And, each time he had to write up an inspection report, he thought to himself:

"Why is this taking me so long? Am I the only one who hates this tedious data-entry process?

So, we did a sanity check and asked other RentingSmart users if they shared Tim's sentiments. 
This is what they said: 

"Arranging and doing inspections is a logistical nightmare."

"I find it so stressful to book an in-person inspection. It's my least favourite part of the job."

"Keeping records of everything is such a schlep."

"As a tenant, I hate it when my space is invaded."

We knew that we wanted to solve these problems for landlords and tenants

We set out to create one app that revolutionizes property inspections for all self-managing landlords - wherever they are, and how ever many properties they manage.

It's time to give landlords their power back.

Save time

Maximize productivity by eliminating wasted hours on travel and paperwork.

Cost efficient

Conduct self-inspections at a fraction of the cost of traditional inspections.

Reduced stress

Streamlined processes minimize administrative and logistical burdens.

Health first

Limit exposure through contactless virtual assessments when needed.

Ultimate tenant experience

Impress tenants with modern professionalism and privacy-minded services.

Secure your spot

How it works

Patents pending

We have patents pending on the unique functionalities of Tenant Connect, demonstrating our confidence and dedication.


Remote inspections via Tenant Connect cuts out fuel and travel costs, and minimizes paperwork.


Tenant Connect has been rigorously and independently security tested, giving you peace of mind.

"This is the one inspection app landlords and tenants have been waiting for."

Tim Morris - CEO, Inspecting Smart

The blog

We've got our finger on the pulse when it comes to property inspections. Read our latest news and insights. 

Embracing the Future: How Remote Property Management Transforms Landlord-Tenant Relationships


An important message to all self-managing landlords


see all blogs



2023 InspectingSmart Pty Ltd

ABN: 70 668 971 024



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